Sunday, April 3, 2011

Living Green and Saving Money

One benefit of going green is saving money. Some of the best green living tips that also save you money are easy to do and take very little time to implement.

Here is a terrific money-saving green living tip that is so simple that it is easily overlooked. Once implemented, this efficient green living tip will enhance your green lifestyle by making your life easier, saving both time and money every month.

What "How to go green" tip am I referring to? It is something you probably already know about: online bill pay.

I have been using online bill pay for several years now because it saved me both work and money. However, it was only recently, based on a comment made by my sister that I realized what a terrific, easy green living step online bill pay could be.

The majority of people can take advantage of online bill pay, and they should. This is a green living tactic that would have advantages regardless of its green credentials, but is even more valuable because it conserves paper and resources.

Anyone with a checking account and an internet connection (which you must have if you are reading this article!) can gain this benefit of going green. To set up online bill pay you need to take the following steps.

First, set up online banking with your bank. Almost every bank offers online banking nowadays. By allowing customers to manage their bank accounts online, demand for person-to-person contact with banking personnel is reduced, and some transactions that required paper can be handled paperless. (Don't worry. You can always make electronic copies of statements and transaction records that can be stored on your computer for retrieval in the future as necessary.)


  1. i don't have any bills yet? so i don't know what to do

  2. This is very true. I do this myself and it's ten thousand times more efficient than handling all of those papers. The fact that it is environmentally friendly is a great bonus!

  3. thanks for writing this! following

  4. Love the blog style! Keep up this good work!

  5. Thanks for the info. I will follow to see what other greeen ideas you can provide me.
    I love doing all my banking online its so much better then having to trek to a bank wait in line..etc..

  6. Banking online is great, and you're right, it does save paper, but honestly it can cause your own quality of life to degrade through identity theft, etc :/

  7. Online bill pay is pretty nice, been doin' it for awhile now.

  8. I love my online bill payment. I dont even have to leave my room.

  9. This is a good idea and something more people should do.

  10. Very nice guide. Come come out my blog!

  11. Nice post! I already do the online banking, that's one step.

  12. I just recently started paying some bills with credit card. Gonna do it with all if I can, no more paper :)

  13. Online banking is the freakin' best.

  14. If you are living green, then u must be a Celtics fan! :D

  15. i like your blog. keep up the good work

  16. Great tips man, I do these all the time. I'm following! Come check me out at:

  17. interesting view on the online banking account topic, i never really thought of it that way
    How to Hack Life.

  18. Paying bills online is the way to go! I've been doing primarily all of my banking online for quite sometime now and have never looked back. It's just quicker and more convenient. Plus it's 2011.

  19. I swear by this suggestion, however to make this even greener I would suggest powering the computer using renewable sources where practical, making sure paper bills in the ordinary mail have been stopped.

    Paying bills online means you no longer have to drive somewhere to pay a bill in person, for the mail delivery person to courier your mail, and the paper and resources used (ink cartridges, printer power) for the envelope and bill well as any promotional junk they stuff in with it.

  20. only problem is keeping records. some people like a physical record just in case their country goes communist on them and their life is wiped away like sandra bullock in "the net". but seriously...who likes getting bills in the mail anyway?
