Monday, March 21, 2011

What is Green Living?

Green living is the method of choosing an alternative way to live by reducing use of natural resources and increasing use of own resources. There are two reasons for green living or sustainable living. First of all, it is done to reduce the carbon consumption. Second, it is adopted to live healthy by not using artificial products. For example, green houses are made with lots of large windows to allow natural lights to come inside. Those houses also have solar panel which produces pollution-free power from the sunlight. Instead of buying processed and artificial food from the supermarket, people should rely on local, fresh and seasonal food. Using a bicycle for short distance travel instead of using a car is a good way to reduce your carbon footprint. Showers waste a huge amount of water while a bucket is appropriate for the exact amount of water we need to bathe. If all the methods of green living can be adopted and maintained, there will be a huge benefit for the environment.


  1. Totally agree. Even if global warming is a "myth", living green will affect our lives in a positive way.

  2. I agree with the local and fresh food stuff and reducing your waste where possible. Solar panels aren't a good example yet though. The cost and energy of manufacture outweighs their total output of their lifetime. We need more effective solar panels on the market before they can be considered. NASA has some of the best ones, and work efficiently on spacecraft, on Earth, not so much.

  3. I totally agree with saving the environment, but people who think we are destroying the planet are morons. It's been here for 13 billion years and I doubt we've even put a dent in it.

  4. Agreed, global warming or not, this trend needs to be adopted.

  5. I also agree but I think whats done is done.

  6. do you think green living will ever become the global norm?

  7. I agree with you. I stress the food aspect the most.

  8. I agree, too bat we cant all buy those things, most of the times green stuff is more expensive, when its not, we cant find it.

  9. i am going to take more sponge baths!

    follow back please!

  10. So important. Everyone needs to read this!

  11. Good advice, especially about ditching the car for short hops.

  12. I'd like to try this eventually. I would LOVE to not have a car and live in the city for a while.
